Working for You

By listening and working together, we can improve the quality of life for Tennessee families, build a stronger economy and ensure a brighter future for our children.

Learn How


Working to address the daily challenges facing our families, create opportunity and strengthen local economies across our state.

Economy & Jobs

Every Tennessean deserves a leader who acknowledges the economic challenges and the rising costs of living facing our families and works every day to improve our quality of life.


Every Tennessee child deserves to benefit from the opportunities provided by a high-performing public school.


Every Tennessean deserves the freedom to drink clean water, farm clean soil and breathe clean air.


Every Tennessean deserves to live free of fear and discrimination.


Every Tennessean deserves access to quality, affordable healthcare.


Every Tennessean deserves to enjoy a modern, forward-thinking infrastructure system.

Public Safety

Every Tennessee family deserves to live in a safe neighborhood, send their children to a safe school, and live without fear of gun violence.

My Office is Your Resource

If you need help or have questions about legislation, we will do our best to resolve the issue and get the information you need.

Our Future Starts Now

Sign up to join our movement to improve the lives of all Tennessee families. Your active engagement is vital to bringing positive change to the Volunteer State. Together, we can make a difference.

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